Ian Robinson
Monroe News-Star
The City of West Monroe has a long list of civic projects in the pipeline for 2022.
West Monroe Mayor Staci Mitchell said residents will notice marked improvements to several things they see and use everyday when they are completed.
“Specifically improvements to local sidewalks and the construction of a new Kiroli Road Bridge and the completion of the wetland trails at Highland Park,” Mitchell said. “I’m very excited to see the completion of the wetland trails. These trails will be a huge benefit for our community by increasing outdoor recreational opportunities for all ages and also helping to increase property values in that area of West Monroe.”
These are the capital improvement projects currently under construction:
- Montgomery/Coleman railroad signs: New railroad signs on Coleman and Montgomery Streets funded by Urban Systems.
- Riverbend sidewalk and drainage: New drainage pipes and sidewalks installed around Riverbend Elementary and Community Center funded by the DOTD and Community Development Block Grant.
- Endom Bridge Approach Realignment: Realignment of Coleman Avenue at the Endom Bridge intersection funded by the Louisiana Development of Transportation and Development’s Local Road Safety Program.
- Endom Waterline Relocation: Relocation of water mains to resolve conflicts on the Endom realignment project funded by the City of West Monroe.
- Otis Street: Mill and overlay and adding of a bike/pedestrian pathway funded by Urban Systems.
- Natchitoches Street: Mill and overlay, improve drainage and add bike lane funded by Urban Systems.
- Apartments to Arkansas Road and install pedestrian crossing (signals, signs, and striping) at Kiroli Elementary funded by DOTD’s Transportation Alternatives Program.
- Black Bayou Canal – 2016 Flood Damage Repairs: Public assistance damage claims to the concrete canal funded by FEMA, the City of West Monroe and Community Development Block Grant.
- Industrial Park drainage improvements: Drainage improvements including cross drains, piping and ditches funded by the City of West Monroe and the Economic Development Administration.
- Black Bayou Canal improvements: Improvements including cleaning, widening and armoring portions of the Black Bayou Canal south of I-20 funded by FEMA and the City of West Monroe.
- Highland Park Commercial Subdivision: Development of the east end of the golf course land to sell as commercial property funded by the Delta Regional Authority and the City of West Monroe. Highland School area sidewalks: Construction of sidewalks along Arlene Street to provide a safe pedestrian route to school funded by the City of West Monroe.
- Tupawek Estates sidewalks: Construction of sidewalk along Tupawek Drive to provide a safe corridor for pedestrians within the neighborhood funded by the City of West Monroe.
- Constitution & Short Constitution Drive: Pulverize and rebuild road base and pavement funded by Urban Systems.
- Mane Street Rehabilitation Phase 2: Mill and overlay Mane Street from Downing Pines Rd. to Interchange funded by Urban Systems.
- New Downtown Parking Lot and Garbage Drop: Addition of parking spaces and garbage bin location adjacent to “Flower Lot” funded by the City of West Monroe.
- New Kiroli Road Bridge – North: Replacement of bridge on Kiroli Road, near Kiroli Park
- Water System Model Updates: Update data in City’s Water System model for use in fire rate analysis funded by the City of West Monroe. Mitchell said she has been championing infrastructure projects since being elected in 2018, specifically on the sewer lift stations.
- Antique Alley: Historic building in West Monroe to be renovated for new Arts Council office
“Although most people do not notice sewer infrastructure, the construction of the two newer sewer lift stations at Drago and Austin Streets are critical for sustaining the City of West Monroe for the next 50 years,” Mitchell said. “The monies we have been able to secure will allow for two completely new sewer lift stations to be constructed which will allow for increased capacity.
Mitchell said one of the chief roles of any municipality is to provide the necessary infrastructure improvement that helps a community to be ready for economic growth and to meet the needs of residents and businesses who call West Monroe home.
“We believe these projects are help to take West Monroe to the next level,” she said.